
Freedom to Connect.

To connect to the FreeSTAR network there are a number of ways. Our primary route is via the Allstar system, node no. 2196 & 2167. We have ways through EchoLink, DMR, D-STAR, Fusion, WiresX, NXDN, P25, M17, Teamspeak, Hamshack Hotline and more! This doesn’t include our links through third parties. To get connected click the button below.

Please visit our Facebook group to join the growing community on FreeSTAR!


Professionally built systems for reliability & endurance. Powered by ASL3.

ASL3 - Built in the Cloud.

All our ASL servers are built on professional servers hosted in the UK & USA. Low latency high dependency connections with peer to peer connection between all server HUB’s. We have dedicated servers for public & EchoLink connections for stability and managed connections. This is all made possible by the use of the AllStarLink 3 software. For more information about AllStarLink and how to get involved, visit the AllstarLink website.

Zello Work. Next Generation . Transceive.

Zello is a next generation tranceiver app for comunication across internet & enterprise networks using push-to-talk. The zello app can be installed on iOS/Android devices including Windows. FreeSTAR uses a purpose built Python bridge developed by Matt Melling G4IYT, which has been pioneered on the FreeSTAR Network. Rob Pitts G4ZWH, inspired this development and contributes to the hosting of this bridge. You can access the Official FreeSTAR Zello Channel here. FreeSTAR Zello Channel.


We have dedicated Bridge Servers powered by SystemX (RYSEN) software which manages all of our digital connections & bridges. This is hosted in the UK & Germany on enterprise data centre VM’s for stability and low latency connections to multiple bridges around the world. The RYSEN XPeer bridge servers are a core element to the FreeSTAR network and provides connections to peers that need low latency connections to our network.

DMR+ IPSC2-FreeSTAR MasterServer.

IPSC2-FreeSTAR is a dedicated DMR Plus Master Server which is hosted in London. This server is the primary server where direct DMR connections to the FreeSTAR DMR network can connect. This server is connected to the IPSC2 Network and is connected to the DMR Plus (bMaster+) for Worldwide connectivity into the DMR-MARC system and more! For more information about IPSC2-FreeSTAR, click here

System X DMR MasterServer.

Powered by RYSEN™ Master+ software. This is a new MasterServer which provides dedicated connections to DMR via a dedicated DMR MasterServer. There are several SystemX MasterServers located in strategic geological locations around the world. Similar to IPSC2 & HBLink, these servers provides users the ability to connect directly to the FreeSTAR Network via DMR. More information about SystemX can be found here.

Module X.

Powered by XLXD, this server is a core element to our D-Star & YSF connections. XLX248 is our XLX reflector and you will find FreeSTAR connected to Module X. This module provides connections to D-Star, DMR & YSF including Peanut! For more information about Module X and the different reflectors participating in Module X visit the Module X page!

FreeSTAR - Your connection to the World! Analog & Digital at it's best!

Freedom to build.

Repeaters, Gateways & Nodes.

Repeater systems are an integral part of the amateur radio hobby. They provide communication aid where simplex “Link to Link” communications are difficult. Learn more.

Simplex gateways are a new concept brought about by internet linked systems. The play an integral part in enabling communications from RF to the internet. Learn more.

Personal node’s have become popular in recent times. They enable a person to access wide area networks with there own node! A bit like your own simplex gateway. Learn more.

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Comming soon!! FEB / MAR 2025

FreeSTAR Module X D-STAR Reflector Project X. This includes members of the XLXD Module X D-STAR project and information services.
Participate in the Module X program and connect Module X to FreeSTAR!

Click here to connect to FreeSTAR on your favourite mode!